Monday, March 19, 2007


TV Documentary: Egyptians Shot Israeli POWs in 1973 (AP/International Herald Tribune)
Egyptians killed "dozens, if not hundreds" of captured Israeli soldiers in the 1973 Mideast war, according to an Israeli TV documentary screened Sunday. Channel 10 TV showed interviews with Israelis who served in the conflict relating specific cases in which Egyptian forces killed soldiers who had been captured or had surrendered. Film was shown of Israeli soldiers, their hands bound behind their backs, shot to death in the Golan Heights and the Sinai desert. Defense correspondent Alon Ben-David concluded, "Investigations of the Egyptian army's behavior in wars against Israel will find dozens, if not hundreds, of cases of captured Israeli soldiers murdered in cold blood by their Egyptians captors."

See also Mubarak Urges Punishment for Alleged Israeli Killing of POWs in 1967 War - Yoav Stern and Gideon Alon (Ha'aretz)
The recent broadcast of a documentary about the Shaked reconnaissance unit triggered outrage in the Egyptian media. However, the director of the documentary, Israeli journalist Ran Edelist, has flatly denied media reports saying the film accused the IDF of killing Egyptian POWs at the end of the 1967 war. He said the reports were erroneous, and that the film had discussed the deaths of Palestinian fighters killed in battle.

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