Friday, May 25, 2007


Rocket Reporting You Haven't Seen (BackSpin)

The MSM isn't describing what kind of impact the Qassam barrages are having on Israel. Here are some stories from the Israeli press you haven't seen.

* Love and rockets: The Jerusalem Post describes how two couples from Sderot managed to tie the knot:

But last Friday, Kobi began to worry that the Kassam barrages would scare away the guests.

His worst fears were confirmed 48 hours later, when a rocket made a direct hit on the Fauna Restaurant's wood structure, starting a fire that burned it to the ground.

But the bride and groom were not deterred.

* Exploding Qassams torched 65 acres of wheat fields on Kibbutz Nir-Am just when it was time to begin the harvest. According to YNet News, dozens of acres of wheat fields throughout the western Negev have also gone up in flames; farmers are rushing to harvest what they can before more damage is done.

* Haaretz discovered Sderot's matriculation rate jumped to 67 percent despite the barrage:

She said the only assistance offered to test-takers was extra time if a rocket struck during the exam.

Click here for more Sderot stories you may have missed.

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