Sunday, October 28, 2007


Open Antisemitism at Boston's Old South Church (LGF)

Here’s an account by Joel Pollak of a truly disgusting event at Boston’s Old South Church, featuring speakers from the Arab hate group Sabeel, Desmond Tutu, and Muslim Brotherhood front man Mahdi Bray (the one who claimed his cheers for Hamas and Hizballah at a rally in Washington were just “jokes”): The cult of Israel-hatred.

CAMERA Op-Ed in Globe: "Hate at the Altar" (CAMERA)

The Op-Ed by CAMERA's Christian Media Analyst Dexter Van Zile in today's Boston Globe should not be missed. The piece, entitled "Hate at the altar," discusses the decision by Boston's Old South Church to host the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center and its founder Naim Ateek.

Here's an excerpt:

With ... three images, Ateek has figuratively blamed Israel for the attempted murder of the infant Jesus, the crucifixion of Jesus the prophet, and for blocking the resurrection of Christ the Savior.

In the context of Christian-Jewish relations, language like this - which has preceded and justified the killing of Jews for nearly two millennia - is the equivalent of a noose hanging from a tree in the Old South. Its use during a time of violence can only serve to justify continued violence against Israeli civilians.

Read the whole thing here.

1 comment:

janiceg said...

I am a member of the Old South Church in boston. I am an individual member and my views do not represent those of the church as a whole. I of course have an opinion on how the Old South Church is being negatively covered in the media.

The old south church DID NOT HOST THE SABEEL CONFERENCE. Sabeel rented the church space for their conference. The church rents space to many groups in order to support the running of the building which by the way is on the national historical site list.

The "HATE AT THE ALTAR" piece in the newspaper reflects a view of someone who has the word hate in there vocabury to begin with. Does that not say what type of source this is ?. The front sign photo "BLAME THE JEWS"
has never been posted by a church member, sexton or minister. The gospel of christ's love for us is what is preached on a weekly basis.

On Sunday october 28 Old South sponsored a forum where the well respected Rabbi Arthur Wascok (Spelling OFF?) of the Shalom Center of philly, penn spoke. Two more forums are planned for the fall.

A side note - just remember if it were not for the Old South Meeting House (our forebearers) where the American Revolution began. Then would we not all be speaking the Queen's English here in America. We have been around 338 years and little conversery is not such a bad thing.