Monday, October 22, 2007


Report: 180 Jews murdered at party in Austrian castle in 1945 (Haaretz)
BERLIN - A few weeks before the end of the Second World War, as the Soviet Red Army was swiftly approaching the borders of Germany, SS men held a party inn an ancient castle by the Austrian town of Rechnitz. The party, held to mark the eve of Easter, March 24, 1945, was hosted by a baroness who owned the castle and was a member of one of the wealthiest families in Europe.

According to a report published in the German Newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung," at the height of the party, some 200 Jews were taken from the dungeons of the castle to a nearby silo. The Jews, who were kept in the dungeons, worked on the fortifications of the nearby town of Lasem.

At some point, party organizers handed out pistols and clubs to the drunken revelers and invited them to kill the Jews herded into the silo. Over the course of the evening, 180 Hungarian Jews were murdered and buried in a mass grave.

British Historian David Lichtfield discovered the story of the party while researching a book he was writing entitled "They Thyssen Art Massacre." Lichtfield revealed the story last Thursday in "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung."

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