Friday, October 12, 2007


German TV Host Shown Door Again for Hitler Comment (JAVNO)
A German television host who was sacked last month for praising Hitler's family values was kicked off a talk show late on Tuesday after she refused to apologise and complained of a media witch-hunt against her.

Eva Herman, 48, a guest on German public broadcaster ZDF's "Johannes B. Kerner" talk show, was asked by the host whether she regretted comments in which she lauded family planning policy under the Nazis.

"If we are not allowed to speak about Nazi family values, we also can't talk about highways that were built then and on which we're still driving," she replied.

Three other guests on the show were visibly aghast at the remark and protested. Host Kerner then signalled to Herman that she should leave, prompting her to walk out.

"I had hoped that Mrs Herman would explain her controversial remarks during our talk," Kerner later said in a statement released by ZDF. "But when it became clear that we couldn't make any headway I ended my discussion with her and turned to the other guests."

Herman, a presenter for the flagship "Tagesschau" news programme for 18 years until 2006, had appeared on Kerner's talk show to set the record straight after television station NDR fired her.

NDR took action after Herman, during a presentation of her new book on child-rearing, expressed regret that Nazi family values had been swept away. Herman has taken legal action in protest at her firing. Pressed by Kerner, Herman said she had "not made any mistakes," and accused the media of purposely misconstruing her remarks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If we are not allowed to speak about Nazi family values, we also can't talk about highways that were built then and on which we're still driving," she replied.

She didn't say that - that quote is a hoax that was realeased by the dpa (German press Agency). In that show the moderator confronted Eva Herman with her statement that the German press acts "gleichgeschaltet" (synchronized?)against her and the moderator said that one mustn't use a word that was coined by the Nazi era. She replied that this word is used by the German press on a daily basis without any relation to the Nazi era. The moderator said: "so they also made a mistake, but that doesn`t exculprit you". She replied if one isn`t allowed to use a word, simply because it was used in the Nazi era, one mustn't use the autobahns either.

And she is right. I use the word "gleichgeschaltet" myself quite frequently, particularly when I talk about free press in Russia. There is simply no other German word which would describe the issue in the same way.