Thursday, October 18, 2007


In recent months Hamas has tried to paint itself as "moderate", writing op-ed pieces in major newspapers such as the New York Times, Washington Post and LA Times. Being "media friendly" extended to securing the release of BBC reporter Alan Johnston and giving "guided tours" around Gaza for foreign journalists.

As with all authoritarian and terror groups, however, freedom of the press, particularly its own Palestinian media, is anathema to Hamas, which has decided to issue its own press cards to journalists operating in the Gaza Strip. The JPost reports:

Hamas' decision is seen by many Palestinian journalists in the Gaza Strip as an attempt to restrict their work and control news coverage from that area.

"Now Hamas will decide who can work as a journalist and who can't," one journalist told The Jerusalem Post. "Obviously, Hamas is not going to issue press credentials to anyone who does not support them. And I know many journalists here who might have to start searching for new jobs."

Palestinian Authority officials in Ramallah strongly condemned the Hamas move, describing it as an attempt to extort and intimidate journalists.

Al Mutawakel Taha, a senior official with the PA Ministry of Information, said that the decision to issue Hamas press cards was a "grave violation of the freedom of expression." He said in response to the move that the PA has decided to shut the Gaza-based branch of the PA Ministry of Information. "No one will recognize the new card," he said. "The attempt to impose press cards on journalists is unprecedented and a dangerous step that will have a negative impact on the freedom of the media in the Gaza Strip."

The Fatah-controlled Palestinian Journalists Syndicate said the Hamas decision was yet another move designed to terrorize journalists and prevent them from carrying out their work.
While it has never been a priority within the Palestinian Authority, this latest move by Hamas drives yet another nail in the coffin of press freedom for the Palestinian people in Gaza.

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