Friday, October 26, 2007


Israel to Limit Supply of Power to Gaza in Response to Palestinian Rocket Fire - Hanan Greenberg
Defense Minister Ehud Barak gave the green light on Thursday to reduce Israel's power supplies to Gaza in response to Palestinian rocket attacks from the Hamas-controlled territory. Security sources explained that the decision was an implementation of Israel's disengagement from Gaza. Israel does not plan to cut the power supply in response to each rocket fired at Israel, but will gradually reduce Gaza's dependency on Israel for electricity. Gaza's population uses about 200 megawatts of electricity, of which 120 are provided directly from Israel, 17 are from Egypt, and 65 are produced locally. "Because this is an entity that is hostile to us there is no reason for us to supply them with electricity beyond the minimum required to prevent a crisis," Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai told Army Radio. (Ynet News)

The first sanctions will be implemented in the coming days, with electricity supply being disrupted during the evening hours for periods between 15 minutes to an hour each time. The volume of gasoline allowed into Gaza is to be cut significantly. However, the delivery of diesel will not be disrupted because of its widespread use in hospitals and public transportation.
On Thursday, Palestinians fired ten Kassam rockets at Israel. On Thursday afternoon, four Palestinian mortar shells struck near the Sufa checkpoint. (Ha'aretz)

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