Sunday, October 21, 2007


Antisemitic Ravings of the Day, Courtesy of Saudi Arabia (LGF)

Ray Hanania used to call himself a “comedian,” but now he’s dropped that ruse and given himself over to hate speech and undisguised antisemitic conspiracy theories. Here’s his latest spew, at the Saudi royal family’s English mouthpiece, ArabNews, in which he claims that the move to shut down the teaching of jihad ideology in US Muslim schools is a Jewish plot: Pro-Israel Activism Behind Battle Over Muslim Schools

A federal government commission says a Saudi Arabian school based in Northern Virginia should be closed because they don’t like some of the things they assert the school is teaching its students.

Not surprisingly, the actions of the so-called US Commission on International Religious Freedom (CIRF) are no different from other US commissions controlled by the Bush administration that have shown a clear pattern of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bias.

Another such group that comes to mind is the so-called US Commission on Peace, whose members included, at least briefly, renowned anti-Arab and anti-Muslim basher Daniel Pipes. Pipes is accused of heading a campus watch group accused of preaching religious hatred, too, something the CIRF seems to have missed.

Although none of the members of the CIRF come close to Pipes, clearly the organization is driven by an anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bias that reflects the prejudices brought to it by pro-Israel activists. One director is a member of the American Jewish Committee, an organization that once fairly championed human rights but today is merely a political mouthpiece for pro-Israel policy.

[... rant, rant, rant, Jews, Israelis, bigotry, racism, rant ...]

For every incident of ugly rhetoric published in the Arab textbooks, there are just as much ugly rhetoric published in pro-Israeli and Israeli textbooks and schools.

But, again, because of the Arab-Israeli conflict that is center stage in our American politics, skewered in favor of the pro-Israeli side of course, we never hear anyone complain about the hate being taught in Israeli public and religious schools. We only hear the vague attacks against Muslims such as that all “Madrasas” teach anti-Israeli and anti-American hate. ...

No one should take anything that the CIRF or the Institute for Peace or any of these US commission seriously when it comes to the Middle East. None have adequate representation from the Arab American community to counterbalance pro-Israel bias and hateful rhetoric that dominates the discussions of these commissions.

They are purely political, as political as this phony and slanderous attack now being waged by pro-Israel activists against the Saudi School.

It’s all about promoting anti-Arab and anti-Muslim hatred.

And yes, this appears in the official newspaper of the country that President Bush has just certified as an “anti-terrorism ally.”

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