Monday, October 15, 2007


UN Human Rights Special Observer: UN Should Get Out Of Middle East Peacemaking Because It's Too Pro-Israel (Mere Rhetoric)

Explicitly echoing the new Hamas party line, John Dugard is attacking the UN for not paying enough attention to the Palestinians:

The UN should leave the Middle East Quartet unless the group starts taking Palestinian human rights seriously, a UN envoy was quoted by Israel Radio as saying on Monday. UN special observer on human rights for the Palestinian territories John Dugard told BBC that the world body "does itself little good" by remaining in the Middle East Quartet, who other members include the US, the EU, and Russia. "In my most recent report to the General Assembly... I will suggest that the secretary general withdraw the UN from the Quartet, if the Quartet fails to have regard to the human rights situation in the Palestinian territories," Dugard said.

People are sometimes surprised to learn that the UN employs someone whose job is to report the most insane Palestinian fantasies and delusions as facts." When pressed on his refusal to give any credence to Israeli claims or defenses seriously, he has answered - no joke - that it's not his job to do that.

As for Dugard borrowing the Hamas party line - it's a two way street. He's also endorsed the de facto destruction of Israel, for what that's worth. Balanced and evenhanded, the UN is.

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