Saturday, December 29, 2007


UK News: 'Israel to Blame for Arab Infanticide' (IRIS)

The Daily Telegraph apparently feels that the soaring number of anti-Semitic attacks is still too low:
Babies have been abandoned to die on rubbish tips or in the street because the Israeli security wall that now hems in the West Bank city makes it difficult for distressed mothers to reach the Holy Family Children's Home.

Social workers also report that Palestinian Muslims are now more reluctant to rely on a Christian institution in the post-September 11 climate of distrust between the faiths....
Christians are demonstrating their distrust that they will remain alive by fleeing the Palestinian areas, and Muslims distrust Christians because they are infidels.
Unmarried mothers or young Muslim women pregnant by non-Muslim men would flee in fear of their lives from so-called honour killings where members of their family would rather kill them than have their name tarnished.
Despite many billions of dollars in Western aid, no Muslim orphanage exists in the Palestinian areas, where adoption is illegal.

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