Friday, October 12, 2007


Giuliani names 3 more Jews as advisers (JTA)
Rudy Giuliani named three more Jews to his foreign policy adviser team.

Ruth Wedgwood, Michael Rubin and David Frum were among seven additional advisers named Thursday by the former New York mayor's campaign for the Republican presidential candidacy.

Wedgwood, like Giuliani a former federal prosecutor, is a terrorism expert at Johns Hopkins University. Rubin, now an Iran-Iraq specialist the American Enterprise Institute, was employed at the Pentagon at the outset of the Iraq war. Frum is a former speechwriter for President Bush who helped coin the phrase "Axis of Evil."

They join a staunchly neo-conservative team that includes Martin Kramer, an Israeli-American Shi'ism expert who wrote a book several years ago faulting the U.S. Middle East academic community for failing to anticipate the rise of al-Qaeda; Norman Podhoretz, a founder of the neo-conservative movement, who counsels a military strike to stop Iran from developing a nuclear program; Stephen Rosen, a Harvard University national security professor, and Peter Berkowitz, a law professor at George Mason University in Virginia.


Brownback endorses West Bank annexation
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), a long-shot candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, reportedly endorsed a plan to extend Israeli sovereignty to the West Bank.

"This is a realistic proposal and different way forward," Brownback said of a plan proposed by Knesset member Benny Elon of the National Union/National Religious Party, the Jerusalem Post reported Thursday. The plan would annex the West Bank to Israel and make Jordan the sole representative of the Palestinians.

Brownback objected to parts of the plan, the Jerusalem Post said, particularly the proposal to dismantle the Palestinian Authority. However, he called the plan "bold, aggressive, clear and workable" and said "land for peace does not work."

Jordan has long rejected proposals that would make it responsible for Palestinians.

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