Sunday, November 21, 2004


A RANT by David Warren

It should be said that the person who spits at the mention of George W. Bush, but weeps for Arafat, is beyond twitting. Such a person is sick in the head. He represents a form of judgement so totally inverted as to be indistinguishable from madness. And yet among our intellectuals, this inversion is commonplace.

“By their works ye shall know them.” Look at the actual achievements of such a “hero” as Yasser Arafat. Go to the website of the Israeli foreign ministry and read a few dozen obituaries of the women and children and old men blown to pieces in the buses and pizzerias of Jerusalem.

At the moment U.S. Marines and Army, with freshly-trained Iraqi units, are picking their way house by house through Fallujah, trying to save Iraq from the ministrations of another generation of Arafat’s terrorist progeny, now matured into full religious crazies. Good and brave men and women have put their lives on the line, to prevent another triumph of evil.

It is not as if the world lacks heroes. There is no need to elevate a skunk.

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