Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Incitement to Genocide, Act Two
Try to imagine proposals in the newly restored Union of 1865 to bury John Wilkes Booth in the ground of Capitol Hill. Or proposals to bury Hitler’s charred carcass in the Invalides in Paris, or in Westminster Cathedral in London. How about a proposal to bury Pontius Pilate and Attila the Hun in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican? Or bin Laden’s body, when it is DNA-confirmed, buried at Ground Zero?

These similes capture the absurdity of the proposals to bury Arafat in Jerusalem (and on the Temple Mount, no less). The Temple Mount is the most holy site on earth for Judaism, a little matter that Arafat always denied while still alive. It is where the two Biblical Temples stood, containing the Holy of Holies. Jewish tradition has it that Isaac was bound there, and that Adam’s skull lies beneath the Mount. It is also a sacred spot for Christians, of course. And it is precisely this place where the Arafat groupies, including some prominent members of Israel’s own Lemming Left, sought to have the terrorist’s carcass dumped.

Observers have been at a loss to explain the outpouring of affection, devotion, admiration, and warmth for arguably the worst Middle East terrorist, plane hijacker, and mass murderer of the past century. The only good thing one could really say about Arafat is that he was really not as bad as Hitler and Stalin. ....

[A]ll this maudlin mourning for a mass murderer of children and other civilians, for a plane hijacker who paved the way for 9/11, for an Islamofascist who organized terrorist movements whose raison d’etre was a Second Holocaust of Jews. Or perhaps that was precisely the point?

The media circus and the proclamations of Arafat’s “greatness” did serve one useful function. And that is that they illustrated as well as anything what the true nature is of worldwide “solidarity with Palestinians” and support for Palestinian “national” goals.

The simple fact of the matter is that there is no such thing on the planet as sympathy for and identification with Palestinians. There is no such thing as pro-Palestinianism. Period. When Palestinians, or when Arabs in general, are mistreated, repressed, and tormented by any Arab regime, no one cares. When Palestinians were mass murdered by Syria and Jordan, no one cared. When more than 100,000 Arab civilians are massacred in Algeria, it does not even make the evening news. When Asad or Saddam Hussein carry out mass murders of Arabs, the “Human Rights” lobby never looks up from its cinnamon latté.

The pro-Palestinian movement is nothing more than the 21st century’s reincarnation of medieval anti-Semitism, complete with medieval anti-Jewish blood libels. People who claim to feel empathy for Palestinians are typically motivated by hatred of Jews.
The reason the pro-Palestinian movement wants the Palestinians to have a state is because it understands that such a state will operate as an instrument to attack Israel, murder Jews, and seek the annihilation of the Jewish state.

Once one understands this fundamental fact of life about the Middle East and about world political motivations, everything else makes sense. The mind-numbing stupidity of the world media mourning Arafat in great cries of anguish, the fawning toadying of political leaders, the maudlin outpouring of love for the cause of the fallen terrorist nazi, are all understandable. There is nothing at all confusing about it. These people are not broadcasting their undying love of Palestinians, but rather their undying hatred of Jews. ...


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