Wednesday, December 15, 2004


O'Reilly to Media Matters: "[Y]ou character assassins. ... You guys really are despicable weasels"
FOX News host Bill O'Reilly continued the controversy over his December 3 remark to a caller to "go to Israel" if the caller didn't like Christmas celebrations in public school, inviting Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) executive director Hannah Rosenthal to discuss the issue with him on the December 14 broadcast of The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly. Rosenthal had written O'Reilly a letter objecting to his remarks. During their conversation, O'Reilly again falsely claimed that Media Matters for America had taken his comment "out of context" and also continued his attacks on Anti-Defamation League (ADL) president Abraham Foxman.

O'Reilly said that Abe Foxman of the ADL "throws bombs" and that the ADL is a "militant organization" that is "on the fringe" of Jewish American public opinion; he expressed concern about a backlash against Jews if such organizations let themselves be "used":

O'REILLY: I mean -- what I was distressed about here, and I think when you think about it, you'll see that I have a point. I mean, I'm not expecting you to agree with me, but I don't want your organization, or B'nai Brith, or even Foxman's organization, the ADL -- which I think is a militant organization -- I don't want you guys to be used. Because I think that, if that happens, there'll be a backlash against Jewish Americans that is unfair and that I'm just gonna have to redouble my efforts to make sure it doesn't happen.

audio clip

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