Friday, December 31, 2004


Crossing the Line of the Acceptable - Malcolm Hoenlein (Ha'aretz)
There have been thousands of articles in the American press regarding an FBI investigation involving the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), though no charges have in fact been lodged despite the more than year-long investigation. It is still hard to discern exactly what wrong has allegedly been committed that would justify this highly publicized case.

I think it is safe to say that American Jews are among the most patriotic and loyal of American citizens. Certainly this is true of those who are the targets of this investigation. As a community we respect the authority of government and support the rule of law. Historical realities have loaded on us a lot of baggage, so that when a Jew is charged, particularly in such sensitive areas, it is seen as a communal, not just a personal, matter.

In recent months there have been repeated stories about the "neo-cons," often a code word for Jews, or widespread canards placing the onus on Jews for everything from 9/11 to the war in Iraq. The implicit references to "dual loyalty" cannot be overlooked, especially when reliable studies show that a significant percentage of Americans still believe this baseless and bigoted idea.

American Jews care about Israel and advocate proudly in support of the special U.S.-Israel relationship. So do many other Americans with historical or ethnic ties to other homelands overseas. The effectiveness of that advocacy has raised resentment, jealousy, and wild mythologies. These are among the factors that set the context for the reaction to the AIPAC investigation.

The latest revelations by investigative journalist Edwin Black and others suggested that agents took advantage of a scared, lower-level, non-Jewish Defense Department employee to set up AIPAC and others, including Richard Perle and CBS producer Adam Ciralsky.

If there was wrongdoing let it be exposed. We are confident that there was none and that the allegations will prove false. We want to see a conclusion to this case and that it not be allowed to "hang out there" as did the "Agent X," the "mole" and other past charges against Israel, which were without foundation but never repudiated.

Neither AIPAC nor the Jewish community will be cowered into silence or in any way lessen our commitment to working on behalf of the interests of the United States and its democratic ally Israel. The American people identify with Israel based on common values and world views. And no fabricated charges or allegations can undermine these fundamental bonds or commitments.

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