Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Israeli Woman Murdered at Home in Terrorist Attack - Jonathan Lis
Ariela Fahima, a 39-year-old mother of four, was murdered in Moshav Nehousha near the border with the West Bank on Tuesday in a terrorist attack, Israel Radio reported Wednesday. She had been stabbed in the neck and her body was found at the entrance to her home by her 10-year-old daughter. (Ha'aretz)

Ariella Fahima slain in border moshav
A knife-wielding assailant, likely an Arab infiltrator from the West Bank, brutally stabbed to death a mother of four Tuesday at her door to her home in Moshav Nehusha south of Beit Shemesh.

The woman was identified as Ariella Fahima, 39. Her 12-year-old daughter discovered her bloodied body when she came home from school and rushed to her neighbors in shock. Police immediately launched a widespread manhunt, but failed to apprehend any suspects. Searches detected a hole in the perimeter fence and tracks leading to one of the Palestinian villages across the Green Line just a few kilometers away.

According to Police, the woman, whose identity was not immediately released, had apparently returned to Nehusha from shopping at the market in Beit Shemesh, some 15 kilometers away. Evidence suggests she put down her groceries and then detected one or more assailants. She tried to flee, but was caught by her door where her throat was slit and she was repeatedly stabbed. Police estimate the attack took place around noon and it wasn't until 1:30 when her daughter found her. Her mobile phone was found near by.

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