Friday, December 24, 2004



IDF: Significant Decline in 2004 Terror - Nina Gilbert (Jerusalem Post)
The number of terror attacks and terror fatalities dropped significantly in 2004, when only six suicide bombings were carried out within Israel and eight in the territories, an IDF Intelligence Branch official informed the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday. A total of 116 people - 73 civilians and 43 security personnel - have been killed in Palestinian attacks on Israeli targets in 2004, 55 of them in suicide attacks. In addition, the number of attempted suicide bombings has declined by 50%. Security forces have this year foiled 114 planned suicide bombings and apprehended 92 potential suicide bombers, 52 of them affiliated with Fatah, now the lead terror group, with most from the Nablus and Jenin areas.

How Israel Fights Suicide Bombers - Martin Ivens
At the surveillance center monitoring Israel's security fence, a sector on the operator's screen flashes from yellow to pink. A camera pans at enormous speed across six miles of metal fence, military road, and concealed sensors. Target pinpointed to a yard within seconds. Ready to intercept intruder. Even those Israelis initially skeptical about the fence's construction are happy. The suicide bombers are no longer getting through. This is partly due to the fence and partly to Israeli forces eliminating the terrorist godfathers one by one with the same remote-controlled high-tech precision. (Sunday Times-UK)

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