Sunday, December 19, 2004


Reuters' Headline Fixation
Thumbs down to Reuters' headline writers in the wire service's coverage of IDF operations in the Gaza Strip. After the Israeli town of Sderot came under heavy Qassam rocket fire, the IDF retaliated with an incursion into the Gaza Strip, where the rockets were launched from. Here are the Reuters headlines listed in chronological order. Notice a pattern and think about what key information might be missing.

* Israeli Army Raid Into Gaza Kills 5 Palestinians
* Israeli Army Raid Into Gaza Kills 6 Palestinians
* Israeli Army Raid Into Gaza Kills 8 Palestinians
* Israel Pulls Out of Gaza Camp After Killing 11

Reuters' headines (and the subsequent coverage) all omit an important piece of info: All 11 Palestinians killed were armed, which was noted by the Jerusalem Post.

In contrast, AP’s headline sent out to papers simply readIsrael Retaliates With Raid After Attack

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