Monday, January 17, 2005


The Bad Hair Blog (scroll down to January 16) has a disturbing blog entry about the anti-Semitism of Spanish author Arturo Pérez-Reverte whose fiction has been very popular in translation here in the U.S. Here's a bit of his remarks:

"But just take a look at this season. In order to arrive in Spain, the Kings must cross the Orient, as always. And that's all f*ck*d up. They have to cross the Tigris and the Euphrates without having the American Marines liberate them from themselves, as the Marines have done with the rest of Iraq, and spraying them with bullets as they ride by. But then, if the Magi survive those sons of b*tch*s, they'll still have to deal with other sons of b*tch*s a little nearer to us here; as they [the Magi] cross Israel they'll deal with the sons of b*tch*s with side curls, and yarmulkes on their noggins, and rifles and Markava tanks protecting their backs; or the son of a b*tch who's wearing a munitions vest of the Allah Akbar variety, and so long suckers."

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