Thursday, January 20, 2005


Palestinians stranded by PA (HonestReporting)
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel accuses the Palestinian Authority of refusing to allow critically ill patients to enter Egypt, and of deliberately stranding them in order to exploit their difficulties for propaganda.

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel is suprised and dismayed to discover that the
Palestinian Authority is barring these patients from leaving the Gaza Strip for political reasons. PHR-Israel strongly protests using patients for political goals, and fighting political struggles at the expense of these people. Physicians for Human Rights-Israel calls upon the Palestinian Authority to immediately change its policy and allow for these patients to leave the Gaza Strip so that they may receive the medical treatment they require.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the marooned Palestinians include a cancer patient and a man waiting for a liver transplant. Which makes us wonder about the credibility of coverage of a similar incident last July.

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