Friday, January 14, 2005



Dear Friends of Israel:

Many of you have already received this notice and many of you may receive this notice again. Be pleased rather than annoyed if you receive multiple requests. This matter is URGENT. Please take a moment to READ and SIGN this Petition in order to generate a fair and balanced movement towards a peace process.

People such as Hanan Ashrawi have already launched an anti-Israel petition for the meeting with European leaders and PA officials scheduled for January 21 2005 in London. They call for European leaders to put pressure ONLY on Israel. Their efforts must not exceed ours. Please sign this petition to encourage a Peaceful PA and send it to everyone you know.

It will be delivered to Prime Minister Tony Blair, Presidents Bush and Chirac and EU Commission President Prodi.

We cannot let such appeals go unchallenged. We must let these leaders know that the only road to peace is through reforming the PA so it conforms to basic principles of statehood. We must urge the international community to pressure the PA to change its destructive pattern of misgovernment, extremism and incitement. Only then will there be a real chance to build a lasting peace. Sign by clicking on the highlighted line below:

Please distribute widely. Do not be concerned about your friends receiving multiple requests.

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