Thursday, January 13, 2005


UN linked to soldier's death 50 years ago
At the time, the IDF had strong suspicions that UN truce observers stationed on the Golan Heights 50 years ago helped the Syrians capture five soldiers who were on a secret raid, but the suspicions had never been made public. Now, documents obtained by The Jerusalem Post include a written order by then-chief of General Staff Moshe Dayan to investigate UN involvement.

Dayan issued the instructions after reading the nine notes found hidden on the body of Golani soldier Uri Ilan, who hanged himself in a Damascus prison on January 13, 1955, to avoid revealing state secrets. When the Syrians returned his body at the Bnot Ya'acov Bridge, Dayan was on hand to receive it. Hidden in Ilan's clothing were nine notes, punched out of paper with a match. One note stated, "I did not betray [my country]."

This message and his choice to give up his life symbolized the ultimate expression of self-sacrifice for the state for a generation of Israelis. But what made Dayan's blood boil were two other notes. One of the notes said: "Take revenge against the people who were with the United Nations on 15.12. The UN officers are mercenaries." Another note said: "Take revenge against the officers of the Armistice Commission."

Ilan had been part of a five-man squad captured on the Golan Heights on December 8, 1954, during an operation to retrieve tapping devices on Syrian telephone lines. According to a top-secret document dated January 16, 1955, Dayan ordered military intelligence to investigate Ilan's suspicions regarding the UN observers.

"Everyone knew that the UN collaborated with the Arabs. They were against Israel. Even today they help them," Ilan's younger brother, Shimon, told the Post. He said that the UN had freedom of movement and saw the convoys and troops on the Israeli side preparing for entry into Syrian territory.

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