Thursday, February 17, 2005


BBC's 'Inspiring' Thought
Every morning at 7:45, BBC Radio provides listeners with an inspiring 'Thought for the Day' from a religious cleric or philosopher. On the program's February 10 edition, Rev. Dr. John Bell used the platform to describe an Arab-Israeli acquaintance of his ― 'Adam' ― who was

conscripted into the Israeli Army. There he had distinguished himself as a good soldier and was made a corporal. He was also imprisoned for refusing to shoot unarmed schoolchildren.

HonestReporting encouraged subscribers to notify the BBC that 1) Arab-Israelis are not 'conscripted' into the IDF (though some volunteer to serve), and 2) the claim that the IDF orders officers to 'shoot unarmed schoolchildren' ― under penalty of imprisonment ― is outrageous, libelous, and completely unsubstantiated.

In response to letters of protest, BBC removed Bell's sound clip and transcript from its online archives ― but not before HonestReporting captured the transcript on its weblog.

BBC has since issued an official apology for not 'fact-checking' that Israeli-Arabs are not conscripted. However, neither Bell nor the BBC has retracted the libelous claim ― broadcast to millions worldwide ― that the IDF would order an officer 'to shoot unarmed schoolchildren.'

Comments to BBC Radio: click here

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