Monday, March 28, 2005


OLIPHANT ON SHARON (HonestReporting)
Syndicated cartoonist Pat Oliphant continues his one-sided critique of Israel -- the latest is this caricature of Sharon as a settlement builder who poisons the peace bird:

Posted by Hello
[Full-sized cartoon]

The reference is apparently to the recent Israeli government report -- ordered by Sharon's cabinet -- that found settlement-building in the past few years to violate established procedural standards. The results of the report were completely accepted by Sharon's cabinet and efforts are underway to implement its suggestions.

Oliphant doesn't seem interested in Sharon's far-reaching efforts to actually make peace, including the uprooting of all Gaza settlements, but rather remains mired in the old 'blame Sharon' mode.

Previous critiques of Oliphant's anti-Israel cartoons: from HonestReporting and CAMERA.

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