Friday, March 25, 2005


Construction Near Jerusalem "Critical to Israel's Security" - Joshua Brilliant
Israeli officials Wednesday rejected international criticism of their plans to build thousands of apartments in a hilly desert area east of Jerusalem, plugging a gap in Jewish settlements encircling the city. Plans for the 12-sq.-km. (4.6-sq.-mile) area, known as E-1, within the zoning boundaries of Maale Adumim, began about a decade ago. A well-placed government official explained, "Gush Etzion (southwest of Bethlehem), Ariel (between Jerusalem and Nablus), and Maale Adumim are located in areas very critical to Israel's security. To think that we would negotiate over an area where 30,000 people live, that we would stop all construction because there is a new (Palestinian) government (is unrealistic). We are building in an area where there are no Palestinians. Inside a city, in a municipal area."

Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said that in the different scenarios for the final status Israeli-Palestinian agreement, "there is a consensus in the international community that Maale Adumim will remain part of Israel. I fail to understand how building in an area that everybody understands will be part of Israel causes a severe political problem. In no way will this prevent the creation of a viable Palestinian state as laid out in the 'roadmap.'" (UPI/Washington Times)

See also Rice Warns Israel Against Settlement Expansion - Paul Richter and Tyler Marshall
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Israel Thursday that its plan for a large expansion of an Israeli West Bank settlement was "at odds with American policy." Rice said Israel's explanation of its plans to expand Maale Adumim east of Jerusalem was "not really a satisfactory response." "We have noted our concerns to the Israelis," she added. (Los Angeles Times)

See also Text of Interview with Secretary Rice (Los Angeles Times)
See also U.S. Won't Confront Israel Over Housing Plan
The Bush Administration does not plan to publicly confront the Israeli government over plans to build 3,500 new homes linking Jerusalem and Maale Adumim, Washington sources said Thursday. U.S. National Security Council official Elliott Abrams and David Welch, assistant secretary of state for the Near East, questioned Sharon about the plan during a visit to Jerusalem on Wednesday. (AP/Jerusalem Post)

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