Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Cairo Students Rally Against Israel
Thousands of Egyptian university students have urged Arab leaders, meeting at a summit in Algeria, not to compromise with Israel with regard to the Middle East peace process. "We don't want meetings or negotiations again," the students chanted Tuesday at Cairo's Al-Azhar University. Students in the Egyptian capital and the southern town of Assiut also burned Israeli and American flags. Muhammad Nazzal, a Hamas political bureau member, spoke to the rally by telephone, saying: "We tell our leaders who are meeting in Algiers that the Palestinian people will never lay down our arms and that the banner of resistance will remain high." (AFP/Aljazeera-Qatar)

See also Egyptian Students Call on Arab League to Declare War
About 7,000 students demonstrated on Tuesday in the Egyptian city of Assiut calling on the Arab League to declare war on Israel. Demonstrators shouted: "Leaders, be strong, we want the summit to declare war." (DPA/IOL-South Africa)

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