Friday, April 15, 2005


Palestinian Terrorist Infiltrates Golan Heights - Hanan Greenberg and Sharon Rofeh-Ophir
An armed Palestinian terrorist who lives in Syria crossed the border with Israel in the central Golan Heights and opened fire on an IDF outpost. Israeli forces quickly caught the gunman. Military sources identified the terrorist as a 21-year-old member of Fatah and said he planned to abduct an Israeli soldier and take him back to Syria. (Yediot Ahronot-Ynet)

Terror Attack in Jerusalem Thwarted
Tanzim operative Ibrahim Hashash, who was planning to carry out a suicide attack in Jerusalem in the next few days, was killed Wednesday in Balata near Nablus during an arrest attempt by Israeli security forces. Hashash, 23, attempted to shoot at the forces, who returned fire. Hashash is responsible for several shooting attacks at Israeli civilians and for a number of attempts to carry out suicide attacks in Israel. His activities were directed by Hizballah in Lebanon. (Israel Defense Forces)

See also IDF Confiscates 5,000 Bullets Slated for Gaza - Margot Dudkevitch (Jerusalem Post)
IDF soldiers searching a Palestinian vehicle at a checkpoint north of Ramallah on Thursday discovered bags containing 5,000 bullets. According to security officials, the bullets were purchased in Jericho and were slated for the Gaza Strip. The car's driver succeeded in fleeing the area. A senior IDF officer said a bullet in the West Bank costs about NIS10 compared to NIS30-40 in the Gaza Strip.

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