Monday, June 6, 2005


Anarchy Continues in Palestinian Territories - Khaled Abu Toameh (Jerusalem Post)
Ali Faraj, a Fatah leader who spent many years in Israeli jails, was killed on Friday along with his brother, Hussam, when gunmen opened fire at their car near Nablus. PA security officials said the attack was carried out by four brothers to avenge the murder of their father during the first intifada on charges of "collaboration" with Israel.

In Ramallah, a gun battle erupted on Friday between Fatah gunmen and PA security officers after a local woman complained she had been harassed by a member of Fatah's armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades.

In the Gaza Strip on Saturday, gunmen from the Fatah Hawks briefly detained a PA diplomat and prevented him from traveling to Egypt in protest of the PA's refusal to hire them as security officers.

Palestinian Gunmen Seize Government Buildings in Nablus - Atef Sa'ad (Reuters)
About 15 members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, part of Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction, fired in the air at the entrance to Nablus Governor Mohammed al-Alul's office and stormed into the Interior Ministry in the West Bank city on Sunday. Witnesses said an employee at the governor's office was slightly wounded when the gunmen shot him accidentally. The militants, wanted by Israel, shouted out demands for jobs and guarantees of safety under any deal to transfer Nablus to Palestinian security control. In an interview with al-Arabiya television on Saturday, Abbas said cracking down on militant groups would lead to civil war.

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