Tuesday, June 21, 2005


IDF Arrests 52 Islamic Jihad Terrorists (Israel Defense Forces)
52 wanted Islamic Jihad terrorists were arrested Tuesday throughout the West Bank by the Israel Defense Forces. Islamic Jihad is not committed to the "calm" declared in the Sharm al-Sheikh summit and operates continuously to carry out terror attacks against Israel.

IDF returns to targeted killing
GAZA - In light of the recent escalation in violence, the IDF has taken its anti-terror activity up a notch: The IAF attempted to kill an Islamic Jihad terrorist in the north Gaza Palestinian town of Beit Lahiya Tuesday, marking the first targeted killing attempt by the IDF since the Sharm el-Sheikh summit in February. An aircraft fired two missiles in the terrorist’s direction, but no one was injured during the attack, witnesses said.

....[T]he operation marks a major change in Israel’s policy, as it has refrained from carrying out IAF targeted killing operations for the past year and a half. The IDF has all but given up on attacking Gaza targets from the air, but it has recently returned to this method of action in a bid to thwart Qassam rocket and mortar fire at Israeli towns and settlements.

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