The day after the horrific terrorist bombings in London, the G-8 decided to send a message to terrorists everywhere by..... promising $3 BILLION dollars to the Palestinian Authority, which fails to comply with the Road Map, continues to turn a blind eye to terror, incites hatred against Jews and squirels away international donations in dachas along the Algerian coast. THAT'LL TEACH THOSE TERRORISTS THAT CRIME DOESN'T PAY!
Palestinians hit jackpot
G8 leaders have agreed to provide the Palestinians with an aid package totaling USD there billion, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Friday at the conclusion of the Group of Eight summit in Scotland.
Blair said the Palestinian aid package would total USD 3 billion “in the years to come.” The British leader added the assistance was designed “so that two states, Israel and Palestine, two peoples and two religions can live side by side in peace.”
Meanwhile, Palestinian officials welcomed the aid package but said the money must be disbursed quickly to help rebuild the Gaza Strip after the upcoming Israeli pullout.
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat and Palestinian Finance Minister Salam Fayyad said the economic support must be accompanied by a push from the international community to restart negotiations on a final peace deal.
SEE ALSO: Why Terrorism Works - Alan M. Dershowitz (FrontPageMagazine)
Within a day of the horrific multiple bombings in London, the G8 announced a $3B grant to the Palestinian Authority. The symbolism of this connection may be lost on some Westerners, but it clearly sent a powerful message to terrorists and potential terrorists: namely, that terrorism works. There were no grants announced to the Tibetans, who have been occupied more brutally and for a longer period of time than the Palestinians. The Tibetans, however, have never resorted to terrorism.
The PA and its leaders are the godfathers of international terrorism. Were it not for their employment of terrorism, the Palestinian cause would today be regarded as the fifth-rate human rights issue that it rightfully is. But because the Palestinian leadership has always used terrorism (from the 1920s on) as the tactic of first resort, their cause has received worldwide recognition.
The primary cause of terrorism is not occupation, humiliation, or desperation. If it were, the Tibetans would be the greatest terrorists. The primary cause of terrorism is that it works. Terrorism will continue as long as potential terrorists believe they will benefit from using that tactic.
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