Thursday, November 24, 2005


Website aimed at Australians attacks Christians, Jews. (LITTLEGREENFOOTBALLS)

A WEBSITE aimed at young Australian Muslims promotes hatred of Jews and Christians, claiming the Jews in the US Government “are like a cockroach infestation — add some to your hit-list”.

The website, Mission Islam, is run by the Muslim Information Service, and purports to provide information for the Muslim community, including advice on what to do if raided by ASIO or federal police.

One section, called “New World Order”, opens with a video presentation titled, “Know who is controlling you, know who is spying on you”. It has pictures of US President George Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, UN General-Secretary Kofi Annan and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, claiming they “worship the Antichrist, the Beast”.

According to Andreia Lopow of the Anti-Defamation Commission, a Jewish human rights organisation, “the new world order section screams racism and anti-Semitism and is very worrisome”.  She said not only was the website spreading hatred against non-Muslims, it catered to a Muslim home education network and various children’s clubs.  Ms Lopow said her commission complained about the website to organisations linked to it, including Islamic Sydney, Sydney Muslim Youth, the Monash University Islamic Society (Gippsland campus) and the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils. AFIC removed the link immediately but the others did nothing, she said.

A spokeswoman for the Muslim Information Service, who declined to give her name, said the phone had been running hot about the raids on alleged terrorists, and no one was interested in talking to the media.  “There’s a bit of a lockdown. We’d prefer to deal with the authorities,” she said. But she did say the web articles were “for information purposes only”.  One article emailed out by Mission Islam says Muslims must despise Jews and Christians — “even if it is illegal” — because Allah does. It claims “it is not allowed for a (Muslim) believer to have any sympathy, love, affection, compassion or respect for his enemy”, defined as unbelievers.

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