Friday, November 25, 2005


David Duke in Damascus to express solidarity with Syria.

Former US Louisiana Representative David Duke on Monday expresses solidarity with Syria in face of the pressures and threats against the country. Duke told a news conference at the ‘Nation’s Tent’ at Rawda Square in Damascus that “I have come to Syria to express my support to the Syrian people and their just’s the duty of every free man to reject the conspiracies and threats Syria is exposed to.”

Former Representative Duke said Iraq war cost the US 300 billion dollars, more than 2000 dead, and between 20,000 to 30,000 wounded, pushed America into a real crisis and raised hatred against its foreign policy in the world. He added that the pro-Israel neoconservatives in the US have influence on their country’s foreign policy and have been working behind the scenes through their mass media in the US to hide “the reality of Israeli terrorism against the Arabs.”

On the war on Iraq, the former US Senator said the war has created a crisis in the world, adding that those who advised the American administration to go into this war have been working to widen the scope of the crisis to spread it to other countries in the region.

He added that Israel has been practicing state terrorism against the Arabs, and the American people know this reality which “Zionist-controlled mass media seek to distort.” Duke questioned why nobody has so far talked about the Israeli mass destruction weapons and its violation of more than 50 UN resolutions while it continues to occupy Arab territories and increase the number of its settlements in the West Bank. He added that Iraq was invaded under false allegations, that the country had WMD which never existed.

Duke expressed appreciation of Syria under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, saying he would do his bets to convey “the real peace-loving Syrian” stances to peoples across the world.

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