Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Another Free Pass to The Palestinians
By Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A. Lappen (
The Palestinian Authority has yet to comply with even one agreement they have signed since the Oslo Accord. They have violated the Oslo agreement, Oslo II, and the Road Map. Each agreement required the PA to disarm its terrorists and to empower its “security forces” to protect the safety of Israelis as well as Palestinian Arabs. ....

Not to break with tradition, the PA announced plans to breach the Agreed Principles for Rafah Crossing, implementation of which was scheduled for November 25. The agreement requires, among other things, that “a liaison office, led by the 3rd party, will receive real-time video and data feed of the activities at Rafah and will meet regularly to review implementation of this agreement, resolve any disputes arising from this agreement, and perform other tasks specified in this agreement.”

But PA Director of Borders and Crossings, Salim Abu Safiyyeh, declared on November 17, “that there won't be any live video streams to the Israeli side via the surveillance cameras installed in Rafah terminal,” according to a press release posted by the Palestinian National Authority State Information Service. He went on to elaborate that ”even the joint control room will not receive these live feeds, and will be only for the presence of the third party that will monitor the borders....”

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