Thursday, November 3, 2005


Libby, Judaism and the leak probe
The news that Lewis Libby is Jewish sparked anti-Semitic and anti-Israel conspiracy theories about his role in selling the Iraq war. Across the blogosphere, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel conspiracy theorists were quick to tie Libby’s Jewishness to his role in selling the Iraq war, imagining once again a neo-con cabal that has a singular agenda: promoting Israel at all costs. “One more Jewish Neocon Traitor,” headlined the White Civil Rights Web site, which features the writings of David Duke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Completely justified.
The white house is completely infested by them and their "shabbos goys".

The president never made an argument as to why this war was in the United States best interest. Instead support for this war is being gathered by apeals to Zionist christians, that they have an obligation to stage the imposible senarios in the Revelation. It ain't working and Christ won't return this time, agnostic fallout will be terrible, sorry idiots.