Monday, November 21, 2005


Hamas Man Killed After Bomb Belt Malfunctions - Nir Hasson, Arnon Regular, and Jonathan Lis
Hamas militant Zeid Abu A'isha, 24, of Hebron, was shot and killed Friday by soldiers after the explosives belt he was carrying blew up near the settlement of Telem, southwest of Hebron in the West Bank. Remnants of the explosives belt were found on his body, and an additional device was on the ground nearby. (Ha'aretz)

See also Palestinian Caught with Pipe Bombs at Jenin Checkpoint - Efrat Weiss
IDF troops at the Salem checkpoint near Jenin on Saturday nabbed a Palestinian carrying two operational pipe bombs. Eyewitnesses claimed the Palestinian said, "I want to blow up on the soldiers." (Ynet News)

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