Thursday, November 17, 2005


Our Friends the Saudis (BOTW-WSJ)
Saudi Arabia joins the World Trade Organization on Dec. 11, and the WTO's regulations forbid members from boycotting each other. So will the Saudis end their invidious boycott of WTO member Israel? Maybe, reports the Associated Press:

Even after the WTO's approval of its bid to join, Saudi Arabia was not rushing to announce an official end of the boycott.

A Saudi government statement obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday said, "Upon the accession to the WTO, Saudi Arabia will give every member equal treatment according to the articles of the WTO agreements." It did not mention Israel specifically. . . .

Former Saudi Trade Minister Mohammed Abalkhair said joining the WTO does not necessary mean Saudi Arabia will drop the boycott.

"In trade negotiations, countries often don't compromise on issues of national sovereignty, security and principles. These agreements respect each country's concerns," he said.

The AP notes that three Arab Countries--Egypt, Jordan and Mauritania--have diplomatic relations with Israel, and another to, Oman and Qatar, have opened trade missions. "But economic dealings by all five remain low."

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