Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Israel to Adopt Harsher Response to Palestinian Rocket Fire - Ze'ev Schiff
In the wake of the suicide bombing in Netanya on Monday, and the constant barrage of Kassam rockets fired by Palestinians on communities in the south of the country, Israel has decided to adopt a harsher response to the rocket fire. Israeli artillery fire against the Kassam launchers, that had been aimed only at open areas, will now be directed also at built-up areas from where the rockets are being fired. The Israel Defense Forces will employ loudspeakers to warn Palestinian residents to clear the area ahead of such artillery fire.

Monday's bombing marked the fourth time Islamic Jihad has carried out a terror attack inside Israel since it declared a period of "calm." Most of the recent Kassam rocket fire from Gaza is also being carried out by Islamic Jihad. Sharon aide Dov Weissglas told U.S. Secretary of State Rice that there is no justification for the PA's failure to take action against Islamic Jihad. (Ha'aretz)

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