Thursday, December 15, 2005


Editor Of "Pakistan Today" Against Rampant Moslem Anti-Semitism
Dr. Tashbih Sayyed, editor of the weekly Pakistan Today, expressed support for Israel and his belief that anti-Semitism presents the greatest challenge for the Moslem world today to overcome.

Dr. Sayyed is editor-in-chief of two California-based weekly newspapers, Pakistan Today and Moslem World Today; in addition he is the President of the Council for Tolerance and an adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute. Dr. Sayyed's analyses as a respected historian and a current affairs expert have been instrumental in shaping policy in the Middle East today.

Sayyed is keenly aware that his controversial views are in sharp contrast with the majority of the Moslem world. "I had a chance to be liberated from the collective clerical hold that keeps the Moslem world in the darkest corner of the intellectual mind. My faith rests in the premise that as long as there is anti-Semitism in this world, the world will never be able to see peace," Sayyed explained in an interview with Israel National Radio's Tovia Singer.

"People don’t recognize that whatever trouble the world is confronted with today is because of anti-Semitism. People hide anti-Semitism under different guises or title. Some call it anti-Zionism, some call it anti-Americanism, some say we are leftists, liberals, Moslems...but the crux of the matter is that they are anti-Semites. Anti-Semitism is a disease, an affliction that has troubled the mind of this world for the last 2,500 years," Sayyed stated.

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