Saturday, December 31, 2005


So what have I missed? I’ve been incommunicado since last weekend. A review of the news reveals that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

In Gaza, Palestinian terrorists/government officials/police officers continue to launch rockets into Israel. Palestinian “President” Abbas refuses to do anything about the rockets claiming that they are "Israel's problem." This is not the behavior of someone who wants to head a sovereign state. Israel has responded by turning part of northern Gaza into a no terrorist zone. Meanwhile, chaos continues:

Palestinian “Gunmen” blew up a U.N. club in Gaza City.
Palestinian “gunmen” stormed government offices.
Palestinian “gunmen” seized election offices.
Palestinian “police” stormed the Gaza-Egypt border, and the European monitors who are supposed to be watching to assure Israel’s security skedaddled.
• Palestinian “gunmen” abducted a British family in Gaza. The terrorists subsequently freed the family. After praising her Palestinian abductors, the daughter vowed to stay in Gaza and fight to improve the public image of the Palestinians. Cutting down on the kidnapping would be a start.

In a poll taken after Israel’s disengagement from Gaza by Norwegian NGO Fafo, 65% of Palestinians strongly supported Al Qaeda terror attacks in the US and Europe. And nearly 80% want their fledgling new state to institute the code of shari’a law.

In Lebanon, terrorists fired rockets into a northern Israeli town. Zarqawi's "Al-Qaeda in Iraq" claimed “credit” for the rocket strike. In response, Israeli planes wiped out the terrorist base.

As for our friends the Iranians, there are reports that the U.S. is planning to attack. Hopefully, we're doing more than just "planning."

On the “conventional” terror front, an Islamic Jihad suicide bomber blew himself up at a checkpoint on Thursday killing three people. He was planning to attack a kids’ Hanukkah party in Tel Aviv. The Palestinian government controlled media embraced the bomber as a martyr.

Here's something fun: before Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister, the British Foreign Office suspected that she was a Zionist puppet, controlled by a cabal of Jews.

In case you were wondering, the world's top blind golfer is an Israeli. A British Jew married a dolphin in Eilat.

In his Christmas speech, Venezuela’s president Hugo Chavez said that “the descendants of those who crucified Christ” own the riches of the world.

A Polish bus company's recent advertisement for round-trip tickets to Auschwitz, featured barbed wire in the ad's background. Meanwhile, a U.S. judge ruled that convicted deathcamp guard John Demjanjuk could be deported to his native Ukraine.

In a bit of a reverse, Israel plans to sell missiles to the U.S. Meanwhile, Russian weapons sold to Syria somehow, mysteriously ended up in terrorists' hands.

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