Friday, January 27, 2006


Hamas Victory Casting Pall on Peace Process - Steven Erlanger
"For Israelis, this is the definitive end of the illusion of a comprehensive peace," said Yossi Klein Halevi, a senior fellow at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem. "There is no more credible hope of Palestinian moderation. For Israelis, it will only confirm what the last five years of terror have taught them: that the war is not about settlements, but about Israel's right to exist. The Palestinian Authority as a serious negotiating partner no longer exists for Israel, Halevi said. "Now the era of the pretend peace process is also over." (New York Times)

Hamas: We'll Liberate Palestine - Ali Waked
Hamas said Thursday it won 60.3% of the vote in the Palestinian parliament elections. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said the group will "complete the liberation of other parts of Palestine." Asked about the peace process, senior Hamas official Mahmoud Zaher said, "There is no process." (Ynet News)

Hamas and Palestinian Foreign Policy - Joseph Braude
Wednesday's election outcome was not merely a repudiation of Fatah corruption. It was also a mandate for a shift in Palestinian foreign policy. No one should believe that power will inevitably moderate Hamas; or that Hamas aspires only to focus on local issues; or that Hamas will shortly come around to accepting a two-state solution. Such wishful thinking may be fine for the Western media. But Western political leaders ought to be a bit more realistic. (New Republic)


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