Saturday, January 28, 2006


LittleGreenFootballs reader Ben F notes that Hitler was indeed elected to the Palestinian parliament; he was twelfth on the national Fatah list of candidates. 

Ben comments: "Hitler" was twelfth on the FATAH national list, and the top 27 on the list were elected. So, it was Hitler by a landslide. The lists and results are on the official election site.  Of the 66 national seats, the terror factions took 60 (30 for HAMAS, 27 for FATAH, 3 for PFLP). The other six winners include former Finance Minister Salam Fayyad, former PA spokesperson Hanan Ashrawi, and former Presidential candidate Mustafa Barghouti. Of the 60 local seats not reserved for Christians, HAMAS won 46. FATAH won ten, plus the six reserved seats. The remaining four seats went to “independents.” HAMAS will have a stronger grip on the legislature than the Republicans do in either the U.S. Senate or the House of Representatives. FATAH, with less than one third of the seats, is a weak minority party. Of the 132 legislators elected, no more than 10 are unaffiliated with a terror group.

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