Friday, January 6, 2006


Stupid Mullah Tricks (WSJ-BOTW)
IRNA, the official "news" agency of the mad mullahs who run Iran, "reports" that "number of world prominent figures and scholars have, in separate letters to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, supported his recent comments on the Holocaust." And who are these "world prominent figures and scholars"? Here's the list:

  • Robert Faurisson, "a former professor at Lyon University in France." The Anti-Defamation League notes that Faurisson "removed from his academic post as a result of his anti-Semitic activities, and has been convicted on three occasions of violating French hate-crime laws."
  • "A New York-based university professor, Abdullah Mohammad Sindi." Memri notes that Sindi's "articles have been published by notorious Holocaust-denial websites, including Radio Islam and the Institute for Historical Review."
  • "The author of 'The Hoax of the Twentieth Century,' Professor Arthur Butz," who backed Ahmadinejad "in a letter written from the US state of Chicago" (Raquel Welch, where are you?). The ADL notes that Butz is a professor of electrical engineering who "has steadily promoted Holocaust denial on the Internet, in articles and in public speeches for almost thirty years."
So Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denial has drawn support from other Holocaust deniers. Wow.

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