Monday, January 2, 2006


Israel: Anti-aircraft missiles smuggled into Gaza.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Palestinians have smuggled anti-aircraft missiles into the Gaza Strip along with tons of other military hardware since Israel withdrew in September, an Israeli intelligence report said on Monday. The missiles were smuggled into Gaza across the border from Egypt, the Shin Bet security agency’s report said. It said that Palestinian militants were acquiring anti-aircraft missiles primarily to thwart Israeli air strikes on militants in Gaza, but it said these weapons could in theory threaten civilian aircraft in Israel“The presence of anti-aircraft missiles in Gaza considerably heightens the threat against Israeli aircraft, both military and civilian,” the report said. “It also increases the risk that such weaponry will enter the West Bank where it will present a significant threat to Israeli aviation.”  Anti-aircraft missiles could limit Israel’s ability to use helicopters and planes to kill suspected militants in Gaza and the West Bank. The Palestinian Interior Ministry denied the Israeli report.

Little Green Footballs points out that yesterday, the Washington Post called the opening of the Egyptian border “one of the few successes of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas,” and stated that “Hamas should be given the chance to become a democratic movement.”

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