Tuesday, February 14, 2006


With Hamas now in power, the long-ruling Fatah party and its "military wing" Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades forced into the opposition, and Israel announcing it will soon withdraw from the West Bank, Palestinian terror leaders tell WorldNetDaily recent events here are leading them to launch what they call a third intifada – or violent confrontation – against Israel consisting of suicide bombings, rocket attacks against Jewish communities and "a few new surprises in our arsenal."


Some terror leaders, particularly from the Al Aqsa Brigades, whose associated Fatah party scored poorly in last month's parliamentary elections, say they are planning massive violence against Israeli civilians mostly to revolt against the new Hamas-controlled Palestinian government. [ED.  CAN YOU FOLLOW THAT LOGIC?]


"The new intifada is only a question of time and this will be the hardest and the most dangerous one. It's just about timing until the order to blow up a new wave of attacks will be given," Abu Nasser, a senior Al Aqsa Brigades leader from the Balata refugee camp in northern Samaria told WorldNetDaily in an interview.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two incontrovertible facts:

1. The Arabs are just plain stupid and the logic for the violence is predictable. The PLO is going to try to out-terrorist the Hamas murderers; and
2. This time Israel should deploy its full military might and crush this scum decisively. As a corollary no Arab, unless a citizen of Israel, should receive medical treatment of any kind from Israel.