Friday, February 3, 2006


Egyptian cruise ship sinks in Red Sea (JPost)
Some hundred survivors have been rescued from the wreck of the Egyptian cruise ship Salaam 98, and at least 100 more passengers' bodies have been retrieved, CNN reported reported Friday evening. Egypt has thus far declined international offers of search and rescue assistance, including an offer from the Israel Navy.

The Salaam 98 sank 40 miles off the Egyptian port of Hurghada, head of the Egyptian Maritime Authority, Mahfouz Taha Marzouk, said Friday. Four Egyptian frigates have sailed to rescue survivors, Egypt's minister of transport, Mohammed Lutfy Mansour, told CNN shortly before the sinking of the ship was announced.

"The Coast Guard is doing every in its power to try to rescue these people," Mansour said.Asked about the safety of the ship, Mansour said: "It met safety requirements. The number of passengers on board is less than the maximum number of people." However, Sky News reported that the number of passengers, 1415, exceeded by some 20% the maximum number allowed on board.

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