Tuesday, February 7, 2006


Iran Leader Denounces Prophet Cartoons
Iran’s supreme leader on Tuesday accused Western newspapers of an Israeli conspiracy for publishing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Iranian air force personnel the drawings were particularly scandalous as they came “from those who champion civilization and free expression.” The caricatures have roiled the Muslim world, touching off demonstrations, boycotts and attacks on European embassies.

They were first published in Denmark in September and then reprinted recently by numerous European newspapers in the name of free speech. “The West condemns any denial of the Jewish holocaust, but it permits the insult of Islamic sanctities,” Khamenei said.
The cartoons have offended many Muslims because Islam is interpreted to forbid any illustration of the prophet and because several drawings depict Muhammad as a man of violence.

The caricatures amounted to a “conspiracy by Zionists who were angry because of the victory of Hamas,” he said, referring to the Palestinian militant group that won a surprise landslide victory in last month’s elections.

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