Friday, February 3, 2006


Israeli army seizes two explosive belts at checkpoint.
JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israeli troops at a checkpoint outside the northern West Bank city of Nablus arrested two Palestinians carrying explosive belts, an army spokeswoman said. The two Palestinians were stopped while trying to leave Nablus through the Beit Iba checkpoint northeast of the city. Soldiers examined their bags and found they contained two seven-kilogramme (15-pound) explosive belts and a knife, she said.

SEE ALSO: IDF Foils Suicide Bombing Planned for Central Israel - Amos Harel (Ha'aretz)
Israel Defense Forces troops on Friday thwarted a terror attack planned for central Israel when they arrested two Palestinians attempting to smuggle explosive belts out of the West Bank city of Nablus. The Palestinians said they had been planning to bring the explosives belts to someone on the other side of a checkpoint on the northern end of Nablus, who was planning to detonate them inside Israel.

SEE ALSO: Military Policewoman at West Bank Checkpoint Nabs Palestinians Smuggling 12 Pipe Bombs - Margot Dudkevitch (Jerusalem Post)
Cpl. Shani, 20, a military policewoman at the Hawara checkpoint south of Nablus, prevented two Palestinians from smuggling 12 pipe bombs on Thursday. The two revealed to security officials that they had intended to hand over the bombs to a Palestinian waiting on the other side of the checkpoint.

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