Monday, February 6, 2006


Corrupt Officials Stole $700 Million from PA (Daily Star-Lebanon)
About $700 million has been pilfered from the PA coffers, PA Attorney General Ahmad al-Moghani said Sunday. "Some of these millions were transferred into personal accounts here and abroad."

See also PA Tries to Stop Officials from Fleeing - Khaled Abu Toameh (Jerusalem Post)
Several top PA officials have fled the West Bank and Gaza since Hamas' election victory, PA security sources revealed Sunday. The officials, suspected of stealing hundreds of millions of dollars of public funds, include Sami Ramlawi, former director-general of the PA Finance Ministry, who is believed to be in Jordan. Harbi Sarsour, head of the PA's Petroleum Authority, was arrested recently by the PA. A close associate of Arafat, Sarsour established, together with senior PA officials, a monopoly over gasoline in the West Bank and Gaza. Sarsour is threatening to implicate many top officials if the PA does not release him.

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