Sunday, February 5, 2006


Palestinian stabs Israeli to death, wounds five.

JERUSALEM (AFP) - One Israeli has been killed and another five injured after being stabbed on a minibus in Petah Tikva near Tel Aviv by a knife-wielding Palestinian, Israel police and medical sources told AFP.

The victim was said to be an elderly Israeli woman but her identity was not immediately clear. Hospital sources said another of the victims was in “very serious” condition, while another four were said to be moderately to lightly injured in the attack which took place on a communal minibus driving from Petah Tikva to Tel Aviv.

“All the victims suffered knife wounds on different parts of their body,” Dr Ilan Cohen from Beilinson hospital told public radio, saying one person was suffering “serious internal bleeding”.

Most of the victims were elderly people who often use the intercity “sherut” minibus service as the cheapest form of public transport.

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