Friday, February 3, 2006


Stabbing thwarted at Kiev synagogue (JPost)
Security guards at the central synagogue in Kiev thwarted an attempted stabbing Friday evening.

The would-be stabber, who appeared to be in his 60s, arrived at the synagogue and asked to speak with the rabbi. When they were alone, the man brandished a knife and shouted that "all Jews should be killed."

The guards pulled off the assailant and alerted the police, who took the man into custody. No one was wounded in the incident.

Three weeks ago, a drunken skinhead stabbed eight Jews, seriously wounding one, at the Chabad Bronnaya synagogue in Moscow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anti-Semites are still abound in the Ukraine, but such an open attack? The attacks are usually well disguised and as easily prevented, I wonder if that was a publicity stunt to promote a new way of pogroms.